Payment Options
Gala Dinner Portsmouth 2023


"The George Hotel, Lichfield." 21st & 22nd March 2025                                           See Reunions page !

Registration & Subscription

Subscriptions can be paid by:

Pay Pal

Debit / Credit Cards

* Cheque

* Standing Order

* Bank Transfer

Membership is £10.00 per year. (Sub's will be due yearly.) For Spouses,  Fiancee, Girlfriend, Family member, the cost will be a flat rate of £5.00  All persons must fill in registration details on Forum page.  Once Payment has been accepted a code for the Forum will be sent to you via e-mail./ post, pm (facebook).

Payment can be made by paypal link on every page, situated in top left corner.

Once you have made payment please e-mail me with details of payment.

Proceed to Register on the Forum, Certain registration details will only be seen by admin. (must have e-mail address and home address so badge and id can be sent to you) Create your own user name and Password.

If paying by Cheque then this process will take a little longer due to cheque clearance, and checking bank statements.Please make cheques payable to:  HMS Birmingham Association D86

Post to: K Ridsdill (Chairman), HMS Birmingham Association , 73 Bolton House Road, Bickershaw, Wigan, Lancs. WN2 4AB

* If paying by Standing Order or Bank Transfer that is not through Pay Pal, pleasecontact Rhino on Forum for Association Bank Details.